Sunday the house was filled with the delicious and yummy aroma of our annual batch of the much
maligned fruitcake. To those of you who think of it only as the tin that gets passed from unwitting household to household..."Think Again!" You just haven't tasted ours! It is full of our favorite dried fruits, nuts, brown sugar and lots and lots of El Presidente brandy! If you don't like citron, don't add it. It is about the only thing we make without fail at Christmas. Our daughter, Trisha, was born on January 5th and as an adult orders it for her birthday cake. We even send it to Switzerland. This year we will coerce her friend, Sherry, to take it in her luggage. Keep your fingers crossed that some dastardly fruitcake hater in security at the airport doesn't accuse her of smuggling something illegal. Maybe they will think that she is doing the country a favor. But as for our house, we love fruitcake. Keeping Bob down to one piece a day will be the real problem.

Tomorrow is Maggie's debut at a senior center with the Furry Friends. We are excited and we know it will set the tone for our Holiday Season. She is so friendly and sweet. When we take her out and about people love to give her a scratch and she loves it. We are certainly glad to have her in our family. She makes us laugh and you know that laughing makes you live longer. Especially those big belly laughs. Those are the ones that stimulate your internal organs. It's a proven fact...l
aughter is the best medicine! So my prescription for the
holidays is make a fruitcake and laugh, laugh, laugh.
aughter is the best medicine! So my prescription for the
holidays is make a fruitcake and laugh, laugh, laugh.
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