Use nine: Try softening brushes that are hardened with old, dried-in paint by boiling them in vinegar and let them stand for one hour. Then heat the vinegar and brushes come to a gentle boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Rinse well, working the softened paint out of the bristles. For extremely heavy paint encrustations, you may need to repeat the process...or head to the hardware store.

Use ten: A little vinegar and salt added to the water you wash leafy green vegetables will float out bugs and kill germs.

Use eleven: Soak or simmer stuck-on food in 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar. The food will soften and lift off in a few minutes.

Use twelve: Clean and freshen the garbage disposal by running a tray of ice cubes, with 1/2 cup of vinegar poured over them, through it once a week.

Use thirteen: In a pinch, you can use equal parts of lemon juice and vinegar to clean brass and copper. On difficult areas add a little salt to the mix for some abrasive action.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

112. Quite the Gully-Washer!

We had a break in the rain Monday and so we took out in the car to see what damage there might have been done on the road, but mostly to check out the waterfall about 2 miles north of us.  There were a few small slides and several trees had lost various limbs. One stump that has been just barely hanging on to the bank with lots of roots exposed finally lost it's grip and slid down the embankment.  

I love, much to Bob's chagrin, going on rock safari and boy do I have lots to choose from now!  I scratched the bumper a few months back, so he always helps me now.  He has decided it's easier to humor me than spend money on car repairs.  Bob never gets mad at me when I do something "Lucy" like.  He just gets quiet.  Most of the time he just says, "Lucy, you've got some splainin' to do."  When the kids were small he would get upset with them about something that had happened and if they said "We didn't do it, Daddy, Mommy did it."  He would calm right down and say, "O.K." and that would be the end of it.  I guess I've blinded him with love and it has served me well over nearly fifty years.  

We were given quite a show when we finally reached the falls!  It was really a gully-washer!  The creek across the road is still over it's normal bank.  At some places there was fresh debris in the lower branches of the trees.  

I made a mental note of where  the best  new  rocks were and
we headed back home.  I can always find room for a few new
rocks, after all, they are a road hazard, right?  The fact that they are free doesn't enter into it.  I'm doing our neighbors a favor and making the canyon a safer place to live.  Bob doesn't really see it that way, but he is so patient and I'm a good cook...we don't want either one of us to change.


  1. Of course I just love this and I love your beautiful oak tree-filled canyon.
    Heaven is!!!!

  2. This brings back sooo many memories!! As you know, Jim and I collected heart shaped rocks our entire forty-seven years of marriage. Like Bob, Jim would become impatient with me on occassion; especially the time we came across a magnificent green and white quartz BOULDER. The darn thing weighted at least 200 pounds, and to this day, I don't know how he managed to wrestle it into the back of the pickup. It stands it's ground, proudly, at the beginning of our walkway up to the front door and each time I leave or return I am greeted by a deep and enduring love!!
    PS...You live in Paradise

  3. PS Again...this is Mylo in case you were not sure.
