"From ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night, good Lord deliver us." Most of us are at least familiar with the "things that go bump in the night" part, but perhaps you don't know all of the old Cornish prayer. Tomorrow is All Hallow Eve or as we call it Halloween.
There are so many aspects of Halloween, but one of my favorites is the carving of pumpkins. I have so many fond memories of the sticky, gooey, hideously messiness business of carving pumpkins when the kids were young. We always ended up with pretty traditional carvings. The modern stencil kits and all the fancy plastic knives were unheard of then. We used steak knives and hoped for
the best.
The early "jack-o'-lantern" was actually carved from a turnip. In the late 1800's British mischievous boys used them to frighten late night travelers. Catholic children used them when they went door to door to represent the souls of the dead while begging for "soul cakes" on Hallowmas (All Saints Day, Nov.1) Their prayers for the dead were exchanged for "soul cakes."
According to legend though, the jack-o'-lantern took its name from a drunken Irishman known as "Stingy Jack" who tricked the Devil into promising he wouldn't have to go to hell for his sins. When Jack died he found out he had been barred from heaven, so he journeyed to the gates of hell to demand his due. The Devil kept his promise and doomed Jack to wander the earth for all eternity with only an ember of hellfire to light his way. Thenceforth he was known as "jack-o'-lantern.
Who could deny this famous "Jack?" When he said "Here's Johnny!"
that movie scared the dickens out of me! Pretty amazing for a punkin!
Living in the country has it's advantages,
but boy do we miss the little "trick or treaters!"
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