According to our fabulous faux leather dictionary from the Friends of the Library book store the word proctor means b. a person who supervises students during an examination. That's what we do for extra money. We stay with old friends from school, (Bob and Bruce have been best friends since they were eight) and we all work the Bar Exam, as well as several others. We always have such a good time. It gives us extra money, gets us out of the house and we get to spend time with several of our good friends.
There are many reasons why I love my dear, sweet (most of the time), spoiled rotten husband. One of the most important reasons is that I would miss so much in life if he weren't there to pay attention and show me things. They are not always huge things, but they are usually things that make life so much more fun and interesting. Working the exams are very tiring and tedious, especially the older we get. We're out of the daily habit of working for one thing, but standing and walking for ten or twelve hours on concrete reminds you of how many creaky old bones you have.
The last session of the third day seems to be the longest of all when working these and we are all counting the minutes until the announcer calls time and everyone in the room including us cheers and claps. Well, about 30 minutes into that last session Bob came up to me and whispered, "Where's Waldo?" Immediately I started scanning the sea of 1,359 candidates in search of "Waldo." Could it really be that we have him in our midst? Naturally and amazingly "Waldo" is sitting almost in the center of the huge auditorium and in Bob's section! I couldn't believe my eyes! There sitting and quietly taking this hugely stressful exam was a tall, thin young man dressed exactly like "Waldo" from the very popular "Where's Waldo" books by the British author, Martin Hanford.
Soon the whispered game was passed to all the proctors and the staff from the State Board of the Bar. Even those who had never heard of the books (I can't imagine never hearing about them) had to admit it was a great
way to end the day. The young man will do well in life
because of his self confidence and sense of humor. Those around him will prosper, as well. I can assure you my life has been far richer because my bunk mate
pays attention. So, be on the look-out, you never knowwhen YOU might just happen to get to play "Where's Waldo!"