Use nine: Try softening brushes that are hardened with old, dried-in paint by boiling them in vinegar and let them stand for one hour. Then heat the vinegar and brushes come to a gentle boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Rinse well, working the softened paint out of the bristles. For extremely heavy paint encrustations, you may need to repeat the process...or head to the hardware store.

Use ten: A little vinegar and salt added to the water you wash leafy green vegetables will float out bugs and kill germs.

Use eleven: Soak or simmer stuck-on food in 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar. The food will soften and lift off in a few minutes.

Use twelve: Clean and freshen the garbage disposal by running a tray of ice cubes, with 1/2 cup of vinegar poured over them, through it once a week.

Use thirteen: In a pinch, you can use equal parts of lemon juice and vinegar to clean brass and copper. On difficult areas add a little salt to the mix for some abrasive action.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

54. A Grand Time Was Had by All

Things are fairly buzzing in the canyon.  We are always so happy when we have company, especially now having our new beautiful dining room and laundry room...Oh, my goodness...ALL of the improvements make entertaining just a breeze!  

Our daughter, Trisha, and our grandson, Robby, are here for three weeks from far away Switzerland.  Sometimes it feels farther away than other times, but it is a twelve hour flight with layovers no matter how you plan your trip. Couple that with  the fact that they have taken most of the fun out of air travel.  Twenty dollars for this, forty-five dollars for that and seven dollars for a deli sandwich on board.  Good grief!  Please!  Just raise the fare a hundred dollars and give me the rest.  They would make more money and make us feel like we are on a real vacation.  I never have that much money in my wallet...EVER!  It also seems that British Airways looses Trisha's baggage.  One piece had to be delivered to our house here in Santa Maria, three days later.  She has learned to plan a well packed carry-on, I can assure you!

I have given travel and all the add-on's quite a bit of thought over the last few days and a recent article in a magazine got my full attention while I waited my turn to have my teeth cleaned.  The part that recommended sending your clothes to your destination by UPS in advance sent me straight to my feet!  What on earth!  To add to the madness the sweet dental assistant who has an eight month old daughter said she was sending her things UPS to Boston for their up coming vacation.  I was astonished! I've decided that on my next trip I'm going to dress in layers with all clothing items color coordinated.  They have such cute stretch pants in all lengths and lots of gals wear layered tees and tanks.  I won't sink to wearing thong underwear,(ladies my age can remember an item that makes thong underwear unthinkable) but I think I could handle 3 pair of the silky ones.  You watch, I'm serious!  I'll also roll a couple of days worth of light weight clothes in my carry on which will look like a lady's large purse.  I have small toiletry kit that Bob's cousin, Carolyn, gave me that she got when she flew first class.  It is full of anything you could ever need.  Add my prescription caddy and there you have it!  I'm not sure what Bob will do, but he had better have his own plan or cough up his own money.

The visit with her grandfather was very nice and he was really happy to see both grandchildren and great-grandsons, (Bud and Preston joined us.)  My dad is failing and doesn't come to barbecue's even though my sister's house is literally across the street.  That hurts your heart.  However, he seems happy enough and sleeps more and more.  I assume that is a defense mechanism and I'm sure that I would be the same were I ninety two.  Bob sincerely asks for forgiveness for all his sins and to be pulled up (or down) before he has to suffer a similar fate.  It is really good that we don't know our future, isn't it.

This coming weekend we are going to a fiftieth wedding anniversary party.  Bob has known B'Ann for some fifty five years, in fact as I recall, he dated her a few times.  We reconnected with her purely by accident about thirty years ago.  It turned out that they left southern California and settled here on the central coast, too.  Trisha and their daughter, Betsy were pals in school, so it will be a nice day for all of us.  Seeing everyone and their children and probably their children will be a great pleasure.  I'm so pleased that it is this weekend and that Trisha's plans allowed for her and Robby to join us.  A big thank you to the couple that couldn't come so that our extra house guests could fill the newly vacant spaces!  It will be held at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, CA.  If you are not familiar with the Madonna Inn, it is a fabulous tribute to the opulent art of tacky.  Upon one's first visit it is tradition that all females must enter the down stairs men's bathroom.  The urinal is a rock faced waterfall.  Fabulous fun!

Their children have come up with a great idea, as well.  Everyone always says "no gifts."  That is great, but most people feel like they want to do a little something.  Best Buy has a plan called the "pitch in card."  The account is set up so all you have to do is call any Best Buy store or go on line, find the account and put in any amount you want.  The money is placed on a card to be used at the store.  A greeting card with all the contributors with out the amount given is created to accompany the gift card.  I think that is a FABULOUS idea.  Even if you only can afford five dollars, you can still send a little something and they don't end up with a pile of well meant gifts they don't need.  Believe me, need, as such, went out the window a long time ago.  Most of us old folks have given up shopping a long time ago.  Our cottage has all the nick-knacks needed, thank you very much.  I'm sure this idea isn't just at Best Buy.  I'll bet with the internet such as it is, you could go to any store and create the same thing.  Just food for thought for your next big gift giving occasion.

Hmm...I'll bet that Target will have just the large lady's purse/slash bag that I'm looking for.  I'll check while I'm in town today.  Now's the time to find coordinated tee's and tank's too.  You'll recognize me at the airport.  I'll be the little red head who looks like a little dumpling!  Bob will probably be following at a discrete  distance behind me carrying his suitcase and money.

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