The weather in our canyon is simply lovely this morning with that fall feeling in the air. It would be hard to describe the feeling to someone from say, Saudi Arabia, who has never had the sense of pleasure that the cool breeze brings when it passes down the road through the oak trees. I'm sure they, like most of the middle east, have their sense of season's passing, but I'll bet it is mostly hot and hotter. The fall breezes here fill you with the most delicious feeling of well-being and makes me particularly happy to be alive.
We are caring for our neighbor's, the Stowell's, menagerie for a couple of weeks. Our Maggie loves it because we have to walk their dogs morning and evening and she gets to accompany us. My thighs will thank me when it's all over because their road is like a mountain goat trail. I know it's working because the climb isn't as difficult as it was when we started. We love Maggie and are so happy to have her, but Rudy and Cheryl have ducks, chickens (two lovely black Crested Bantam), two Basenji dogs, eight finch, fish, turtles and let's not forget about a bizillion humming bird feeders. You can't miss feeding time at the zoo.
The Basenji are a breed from Africa and are called "barkless". They can make sounds but don't bark
like a normal barking dog. Newt and Maggie are very old so we keep our fingers crossed that they
stay the course until Rudy and Cheryl return. One of the finch went to meet it's maker last night. 
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