Use nine: Try softening brushes that are hardened with old, dried-in paint by boiling them in vinegar and let them stand for one hour. Then heat the vinegar and brushes come to a gentle boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Rinse well, working the softened paint out of the bristles. For extremely heavy paint encrustations, you may need to repeat the process...or head to the hardware store.

Use ten: A little vinegar and salt added to the water you wash leafy green vegetables will float out bugs and kill germs.

Use eleven: Soak or simmer stuck-on food in 2 cups of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar. The food will soften and lift off in a few minutes.

Use twelve: Clean and freshen the garbage disposal by running a tray of ice cubes, with 1/2 cup of vinegar poured over them, through it once a week.

Use thirteen: In a pinch, you can use equal parts of lemon juice and vinegar to clean brass and copper. On difficult areas add a little salt to the mix for some abrasive action.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

77. Fun, Friendship and Olive Oil

What gorgeous weather we had today!  After we fed the Stowell's menagerie, we headed to town to get a few pieces of sod for our little back patio.  The quail fence is complete and painted now.  We wanted to have part of the area in grass and sod is so inexpensive and quick that we headed for Home Depot to buy a few pieces.  Some how while we were there a new table saw managed to follow us home.  Bob's old one died a horrible death and just to replace the motor was $150. plus tax and shipping.  That doesn't seem to make much sense.  So, there you go.  If I intend to get any more wood projects out of the old boy, we had no recourse but let the saw follow us.  I have no intention of letting him sit on his laurels.

We have a few pieces of sand stone for the remainder of the patio area.  Not sure what to put between the stones.  We've thought of gravel and there is a creeping moss that is pretty.  The Franklin stove that Polly and Phil hauled down here for us is coming along nicely.  Bob is sand blasting the rust off and painting it black.  It is a beauty and we are pleased as punch to have it.  We are anxious to try it out.

Tomorrow is Sunday and we are going to take the day off and go to a couple of local craft shows with our friends, Polly and Phil.  Not just ordinary run of the mill holiday craft shows though.  One is held at the Halcyon Store and Post Office, a metaphysical, crystal selling hot spot where you can buy just about anything along those lines.
Then we are off to Tiber Canyon.  This one is really a treat.  Their enormous barn was built with no, that's right, NO NAILS!  Will and Chris are artists in the true sense of the word.  They are glass blowers, metal workers and run a very successful olive oil business complete with the olive orchard.  They have a magnificent place for weddings and the occasional intimate concert under the amazing canopy of oak trees with the stage banked with huge eucalyptus.  Besides all of the above they still manage to keep a sense of simple beauty in everything with a large portion of "old hippie".   They are dear old friends from Bob's long ago glass blowing days.
They have the most wonderful lemon olive oil and the mandarin orange is fabulous.  Do yourself a favor and buy a sampler of their four flavors.  It's $20 I think.  Check out the website.  You won't be sorry.  I love the lemon on a baked potato with nothing else but salt and pepper! OMG! Their craft  fair is an  amazing event  that  we try not to miss.  As you can see, they are not  the usual "craft fair" artists.  The day will be filled with fun, friendship, and food and if I'm lucky a bottle of lemon olive
oil just might follow ME home.

 Will and Chris

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story, Sharon! Another hint for you....Peroxide is also the "do all", "cure all" and there are no nasty side effects. If I can find the link, I will send it to you. XOXOXO
