We had the most lovely rainfall on Sunday, gentle, just the way you want it. The kind that just soaks everything. Now even the Mexican heather, that took a beating from the frost right after I planted them, look like they will make a come back. The one that looked completely dead has a few tiny green leaves hiding beneath the crisp brown canopy, so let's let a sleeping dog lie and see what happens. I learned the hard way a few winters ago not to go cutting things back too soon. The lavender and daisies that I cut way back because of the frost damage didn't have as good a come back as the ones that I just left alone until spring. So, Mexican heather, it's your turn to sink or swim. I'll just sit back and wait.
I spent some time joyfully house-bound, by catching up on reading the two magazines that I receive, Rachael Ray and Family Circle, and found a fabulous web site with FREE shipping! I love, really love, silly socks. They can be hard to find unless you happen to find a sock store. There is a fabulous little sockery in San Luis Obispo, CA, but we aren't up that way too often.

This is only one example of the many, many socks available at
It is a sock lovers dream site! This one happens to be sold out at the very cool price of $6.00...no wonder! You really can let your fingers do the walking so you feet can be in style!
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