Maggie earned her Furry Friend's bandana for completing her initial three site visits last Thursday. She loves people and seems to enjoy going to the centers. The patients derive such pleasure having the dogs visit. There are quite a variety of breeds in our group which pleases the patients and seems to unlock memories of past pets. The staff tell us that, almost without exception, the patients are much more animated and happier after our visits.
We have still been pruning trees and bushes. There are a few

lavender and daisies that need a little trimming but other wise if it didn't move we trimmed it. There is quite a pile in the lower meadow for our andlady's son-in-law, Mike, to haul away to the green dump up the canyon this week-end.
The apple tree had sent up some really straight branches and we couldn't stand sending them all to the green dump, so Bob helped me create a heart shaped trellis for a Cape Honeysuckle that I bought a while back. I usually think simple, but with Bob on board it needed an arrow through it. I have to admit that it certainly did finish it off nicely. I'm the queen of close enough, but I'm glad he didn't let me deter him. It's quite lovely and you can see it from the road which is nice. Now all we need is some steer manure and potting soil and it will be sink or swim for the Cape Honeysuckle.
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