I'm happy to say that Bob is resting comfortably. The physical therapist was here this morning and seems to think that Wednesday will be his last session. A week out from surgery tomorrow and he his walking and bending it just fine. He wears out easy, that's to be expected, but really doing well. He will have the staples taken out on the 10th. Staples, isn't that just amazing? Real honest to goodness staples, and no pain to speak of. He has only taken 6 pain relievers.
Our friend, Nelda, commented on how remarkable medicine is now and it will only get better. She speculated on how many Civil War soldiers had amputations that would be unnecessary now. We watched a special on a man who had lost both hands and arms up to the elbows and he had just had transplants on both. Someone in a car accident was a match and the arms and hands were the right size. After a few months of rehabilitation, he was moving the hands and fingers as though they were his. All of the nerves, muscles and skin taken from one person and attached to another. Simply incredible! He was excited to be able to play ball with his children and hold hands with his wife. Such simple things. Things most of us take for granted.
We are so fortunate to live in such a time. So many things around us to be thankful for and many more on the horizon. If we could just all work together for the good of mankind, wouldn't it be grand? Just think, if we could all play nice and accomplish things instead of arguing and fighting. I guess we really did learn all we needed to know in Kindergarten. It's really pretty simple and straight forward. Sometimes it seem that most of us have forgotten so much of it. Now if we could just remember all of the things...wash your hands...share...don't fight...don't interrupt...hmmm...let me think...
Glad to hear all is going well. Finally out of all that pain. It is truly amazing how they can put in all the substitute parts and have them actually work. Before long maybe we can just order them up on ebay. haha. Love to you both. Dort